Monday, October 8, 2012

04.01 Pathos in Journalistic Writing: Child Hunger

Do you know what it's like to be awaken from your sound sleep due to sharp pains of hunger? Could you imagine your only meal of the day being one from school? What would you do on weekends, summer vacations? Millions of children throughout the US experience that every day that they live. Whats even worse is that thousands of them are here in Orlando. Starving in our backyards.
Child hunger is becoming a pandemic throughout Central Florida. Every school year it is estimated that over 20,000 students are registered for free or reduced lunch. It is also estimated that over 25,000 children under the age of 12 go to bed hungry every night. ( Tons and tons of food waste is reported every year in Orlando. It is very sad that as a community we watch the youth and future adults starve. As a community we should feel compelled to take charge and feed our starving kids of Orlando. There are many ways in which you can help to prevent child hunger. Coalitions and soup kitchens are easily located in Downtown Orlando. It can be as simple as donating a few cans or extra food that you weren't going to use anyhow. As we all are apart of the same race- Human, it should do your soul some good to know that you're helping to keep Central Florida's youth alive and thriving!

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